- Oil prices surged to all-time high of $78.40/bbl
- Fears that conflict in Middle East could widen
- Some energy market analysts have said oil could reach $100/bbl
- Implies future US gasoline prices of $4/gal, up from just under $3 now
- US automakers already reeling from consumer flight from SUVs, trucks
Now face risk that higher oil prices will trigger worst sales downturn in more than decade
Significant Points :
- High energy prices, weakening housing market, rising interest rates threaten economic growth, consumer confidence
- Economic growth less than 2% could tip auto sales into cyclical downturn
- Every $10 increase in crude oil drops US annual vehicle sales 200-400 units
- Aggressive sales incentives, discounts last 5 years have pulled demand forward
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Sourced From: Reuters via Automotive News, June 14, 2006
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